While we do offer reasonable rates for our customers, we also ensure our professional cleaners enjoy a very competitive payment package.
It's a proven fact that when each member knows that the value of what they do is acknowledged and rewarded, they perform more eagerly. They do the job with heart.
So we make sure to take care of our house cleaners, as they are the backbone of our business.
We make sure that physical and backend assistance are available to them, should they need it. We make sure they receive appropriate compensation and appreciation.
We believe, not just in partnering with our customers, but the people who make up our team.
We are open. We are collaborative. We value every person involved, to ensure your property receives the expert treatment it deserves.
And that includes our customers, and every cleaner, team lead, and admin staff on our roster.
THIS is DoubleTime.
we currently provide service to the ff areas:
Fort Worth
Farmer's Branch
Grand Prairie
If interested, feel free to reach out to us! We'll be more than happy to confirm if your area is somewhere we can accommodate!
Feel free to follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doubletimecleaning/
